Encountering victims of crime during criminal proceedings
Course for professionals of jurisprudence working with vulnerable victims of crime
Guaranteeing help, support and protection for victims during criminal proceedings
- Review of responsibilities according to the Victims’ Rights Directive and key national legislation
Psychological trauma and its effects on victim behaviour during criminal proceedings
- Psychological trauma and traumatisation
- PTSD and dissociation
- The effects of trauma on the victim’s memories and behaviour
- The effects of traumatisation on the victim’s story
- Discussion
Victim vulnerability and sensitive communication
- Vulnerability and its risk factors
- Recognising vulnerability
- Sensitive treatment and its utility
- Sensitivity and coping with one’s work
- Discussion
The victim’s dependence on the perpetrator as a contributing factor in vulnerability
- Perspectives on how dependence is created
- Dependence in the context of criminal proceedings
- Practical examples of dependence in legal contexts
- Discussion
The particular vulnerability of foreign nationals and questions pertaining to their residence status
- Rights of crime victims regardless of legal status in the country
- Residence permits in the context of protection and criminal proceedings
- Discussion
Particularly vulnerable groups as a challenge in legal contexts
- Causes of vulnerability
- Vulnerability and reliability
- Tips for working with vulnerable victims of crime
- Discussion
Support organisations introduce their work